Scientific Committee
Allergy Quebec would like to thank all the members of the Scientific Advisory Committee who generously share their time and expertise with us when it comes to reviewing the scientific content of our publications, as well as for their assistance in preparing outreach and scientific position statements.
Mandate: The Scientific Advisory Committee advises the Board of Directors and Allergies Québec on medical, professional, and scientific issues related to food allergies. In some instances, the Committee also weigh’s in on matters relating to official policy.
Dr Marie-Noël Primeau Allergist Clinique d’allergie et d’asthme de Montréal |
Dr Simon Hotte Allergist Clinique MédiGo, Gatineau |
Dr Andrew Moore Allergist Johns Hopkins Regional Physicians |
Dr Reza Alizadehfar Allergist Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants |
Dr Philippe Bégin Allergist CHU Sainte-Justine |
Dr Marie-Josée Francoeur Allergist Centre Hospitalier Charles-Lemoyne |
Dr Émilie Proulx Allergist Centre hospitalier régional de Lanaudière |
Cosette Gergès Nutritionist Nutritionnistes en pédiatrie |
Maryse Boutin Nutritionist CHU Sainte-Justine |
Manon Chiasson |
Bénédicte L. Tremblay Nutritionist and postdoctorale intern Université du Québec à Chicoutimi |